Whic Twilight Character are you?

There are many quizzes out there and if you dont tkae uors you are stoopid! turkey

Do you like twilight? we dont care if you do or not just take this quiz!!

Created by: Cloe and Ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone punched your friend you would...
  2. Do you freak out when you see blood?
  3. Do you howl at night?
  4. Are you social?
  5. Are you pale?
  6. Are you tan?
  7. What color are your eyes?
  8. What type of weather do you prefer?
  9. What character is your favorite?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (We really dont care)

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Quiz topic: Whic Twilight Character am I?