which twilight character are you most like?

there are many twilight fans in the world, though many of them would like to say they know they are like their favorite character, many are wrong. Find out if you are one of them.

Are YOU a complete twilight nerd? read all the books 100 times? love a specific charecter? find out is you are like your favorite character here(:

Created by: Rose

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if your vampire brother brought home a human as a girlfriend, what would you do?
  2. if you were a vampire you would be:
  3. pick one
  4. what color hair do you have?
  5. if you could have been born in another time period which time period would it have been?
  6. if someone caught you doing something secret (like using your vampire power) what would you do?
  7. do you like school?
  8. do you like running and sports?
  9. which one most discribes you?
  10. if your cat died what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Which twilight character am I most like?