Where would I die

Are you smart enough to take this quiz dont you want to know how you die? i found out how ill die and im gonna try to avoidt he sitution. you can do the same just take the quiz.

So if you take this quiz and find out how you die share it to friends family and others and let them take the quiz so they know how they will die. have a great time.

Created by: David
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what room do you go to the most?
  2. Where do you sing at?
  3. What is best place to be?
  4. Where do you party at?
  5. Do you like school?
  6. What your hair color
  7. What your shoe size?
  8. How do you rate this quiz
  9. What is your favorite spot?
  10. What do you like to do?

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