Does he like you

(Girls only) so, you want to kniw if a guy like you huh. Take my quiz to see if he does, doesnt, or might like you. If your not sure about. Your crush this quiz will help( i hope)

This quiz may not be a scientifically proven quiz but, in my opinion its gonna help you out with tour guy sitution. So again if your totally confused about if your ceish likes you, this quiz will help

Created by: s/�awesome
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know him?
  2. Does he make you laugh?
  3. Do you talk? Like at all?
  4. Do you think he likes youh
  5. Do your friends think he likes you
  6. Do his friends think that he likes you
  7. Random question; did u like this quiz so fr
  8. Does he know you
  9. Another random question cuz im put of real ones:0, do you like pie
  10. Last question( no effect on result) will you attend college

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