Where will you die?

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Everyone dies, it is a part of nature. If we could not die... The world would be packed with people and we would suffer through the pain of being crowded. So don't be sad or depressed if you see the pictures or results at the end.

So, the main focus is.. Where will you die?this is a accurate quiz to narrow down the possibilities of where you will die. I might be right, you may actually die where this quiz said you would. So stop reading and start quizing!!!!

Created by: KleineDragon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you addicted? Or possibly sick?
  2. Are you afraid someone is after you?
  3. Are you sad? Maybe stressed?
  4. Do you like bathing?
  5. Do you feel different than the other people around you?
  6. Think about slender man, does he seem happy, sad, or mad?
  7. How are you every day out of 1-10
  8. Are you scared at all?
  9. Is there something missing in your life?
  10. Don't feel stressed after this quiz ok? It is not THAT accurate.

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Quiz topic: Where will I die?