where are you at in your faith journey

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Hello! This quiz is going to test you on your honesty, to see whether or not you are ready to start your faith journey, or to see how you are doing with your current faith journey.

Remember to be honest, bro. I'm not going to force you to be with Jesus, but I'm just trying to help and encourage you to turn to Jesus, find peace when you trust God. God is absolutely forgiving, loving, merciful, helpful. He just wants to help you. He doesn't want you to suffer.

Created by: lloyd
  1. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your one and only true Lord and Savior? Do you accept the fact that He died on the cross for everyone's sins and yours too? Do you want to begin your relationship with Jesus Christ?
  2. Do you believe that you cannot save yourself by your works and your deeds, it is faith in Jesus Christ alone that can save you? His grace alone means God still loves us regardless of who we are and what we do.
  3. How much do you sin regularly?
  4. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? (For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son...")
  5. Are you willing to pray to God and humbly admit you are a sinner (as we all are, no one is perfect, except for Jesus, who clearly lived a sinless life), asking Him for forgiveness for all of your sins that you have committed throughout your life?
  6. Do you feel a sense of peace when you think about Jesus?
  7. Are you willing to learn more about the teachings of Jesus? Say if I wanted to help you study more about the Bible and Jesus's teachings, would you accept or decline?
  8. Do you believe that having faith in Jesus can change your life? If you had faith in Jesus, how much did it change your life (percentage wise)?
  9. Are you willing to share your faith journey with others? Are you willing to spread the word of God? It's your duty (for you Christians) to spread the word of God.
  10. Are you ready to take the next step in your faith journey with Jesus Christ? Be honest with yourself.

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Quiz topic: Where am I at in my faith journey
