When will you get your period? (Not for your first period)

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This quiz is for my girly pops who already have their period and want to know an estimate of when they will get their next! I hope you get a accurate result.

I made this quiz because I saw so many quizzes for first periods but not for any other time of the month! I thought “this shall change!” So that’s how I came up with this quiz for all these women who want to know a estimate of when their next time of the month will be here!

Created by: BoldNotCold
  1. Let’s start off nice a simple. Do you have any cramps? This could include in your lower abdomen or your legs even
  2. Are you more tired?
  3. Have you had mood swings? Gone from happy to dad or dad to happy in a ver short amount of time?
  4. Are you having headaches?
  5. Are your breasts tender/aching/swollen?
  6. Are you breaking out (acne, zits, anything along those lines)
  7. This is a very weird question so just push through! Are you constipated or have diarrhea? Sorry it’s one of the PMS symptoms!
  8. Now that we got the weird question over with let’s move on to something else.
  9. Are you bloated?
  10. Cravings? Are you craving anything? If so what kinds of foods?
  11. Do you think you’re getting your period soon?
  12. Don’t base your cycle or when you are getting your next period off of this quiz! I am not a medical professional or a OBGYN of any sort! This is just a estimate of when you will get it next!
  13. Choose a fate

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Quiz topic: When will I get my period? (Not for my first period)

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