When did this movie come out? Quiz

Hello and welcome to my quiz! Thank you for almost taking it. It truly means a lot to me. In this quiz you will have to tell me the correct year the given film came out.

So good luck! I hope you enjoy it very much. So test your movie knowledge. If you can you should probably go watch some movies before this. Or at least look 'em up on the internet. For research purposes of course. So yet again: Good luck!

Created by: DarthKnight
  1. The Karate Kid (Original)
  2. Avatar (Blue people not Last Airbender)
  3. The Hunger Games
  4. The Call of the Wild (with Harrison Ford)
  5. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Gene Wilder)
  6. Mary Poppins (Original)
  7. The Matrix
  8. It's A Wonderful Life
  9. The Ten Commandments (with Charleton Heston)
  10. King Kong (Original)

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