What's Your Prodigy Pet Personality?

How do you decide which prodigy pet to rescue first? Well, take this quiz that tells you what your prodigy pet is so you know which one to rescue first.

In this quiz it is asking you for what you think, so don't put down what your friend puts down, because we want to know what you think and what your personality is.

Created by: Hannah
  1. How do you spend your ideal weekends?
  2. Where would you like to travel?
  3. What is your ideal pet at your HOME?
  4. What is your favourite fruit?
  5. What is your favourite drink?
  6. What is your favourite meal?
  7. What's your favourite snack?
  8. What's your favourite app?
  9. What's your favourite movie?
  10. Finally what's your favourite element.

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Quiz topic: What's my Prodigy Pet Personality?
