Whats Your Personality Type?

This quiz will determine your personality. I designed it to be quite accurate, but there may be a few flaws. If you have low self-esteem, don’t take this quiz, just in case you got an answer you don’t like. Thank you, and enjoy the quiz!

P.S.—I love you all! Thank you so much for deciding to take this quiz! Don’t worry, there are only twelve questions. It won’t take long! Please rate and comment on this quiz—it would mean a lot! :) Thanks, you all!

Created by: Amelia the Demigod
  1. Would you rather hang out with friends or family?
  2. Do you have more friends online, or in real life?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Go ask a friend/family member to describe you with one of the following...
  5. Which of these are you best at?
  6. Which of these do you ABSOLUTELY HATE?
  7. Are you self-conscious of what people think of you?
  8. Do you like people?
  9. Dark colors or bright colors?
  10. Favorite sport?
  11. GgGggGggYY
  12. Did you like this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Whats my Personality Type?
