Whats your chance at getting a girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Whats your chance at getting a girl?
I look at all the other comments and somehow I thought I was bad. I'm at 77% and that's apparently better than most of the guys here. What's crazy is that I've never had a girlfriend before, neither has a girl real showed signs of liking me. Whatever, if she comes she comes. Peace and good luck to yall.
Andrey1 -
Your chances at getting a girl is 59% 59%
Average. You have just as good of a chance as anyone else. Though you may not be as physically attractive or socially attractive as the next guy, you still have the average guy's chance. Don't worry.
I honestly don't believe it cause since my last relationship which was like 3 years ago i have only had one chance with the girl i really liked but she only liked enough to where she developed a way not to like me and haven't had any other chances with any other girls but if a 66% is true than i should be fine doubt it more like a 40% for me.
Lol 68% hahaha well that was wayy more than i expected!! I would take a 40% or slighty higher to be more realistic but daamn 68%?? Hahaa being alone makes wonders!!
What the f--- do these answers have to do with being physically attractive or socially attractive? 66% ain't bad, but seriously?
Why do u assume that the person taking this is male? Still a great quiz though i got 56%
I am 49%. To be honest, I don't want a girl, ugly or pretty, nice or mean. I don't have any friends but I would rather chill with men.
TJ Hill1-
ur gay then my g
i am 68, first of all.. i am Emo, second.. Im Gamer in Programmer, the hell is my freaking chance?!?!
and programmer *
if your after a girl your more than likely to e male so why the period bit
bc im a girl and i want a girl but also they probalby meant you said that even if u were a guy bc ur desperate to not go
God gave me 0 social skills.
usually I trip up when talking to anyoneit's hard to talk to girls if you don't have a 6 pack or good hair
L Rizz
lol im a girl and i took this i got 72%
I got a 77 percent chance, my question now is? Why am I still single? I need a girl in my life, I've been chill all m uh life but waiting is starting to be hard?
Aimable1 -
IceBabe , give this guy a chance
And i tried it again and it got me 77%... that's nice!
I now got 79%
Hot Boy1
Got 70% I'm glad that a lady thinks I can get a girlfriend. Cool quiz
I got 79%
I got 0 %
felt that
Emotional Damage
it says 70% but my teeth are so s--- it ruins any chance plus my attitude, i'd call this not accurate at all
Yuma11 -
Yo i'm a guy and i got 75%! I'm happy.
I got 82% and asked out 2 girls so far. But I am still a single guy. This world f---ed
Got 82% and still got no, ass
I'm a girl and got 54%- T-T
68% this is like asking a friend who knows tht i have no chance but still lie to my face lol
I got a 75%, I'm happy
I keep get awnsers that i get one so i think this is true
Fortex1 -
I got FOUR girlfriends already and got 66%? You gotta be ****** kidding me man!
Hot Boy0 -
I got 82%, when I gon get a shorty?
1ShoTT1 -
i got 61% i dont know but im normal i guess but at i chill with boys and bros
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