Whats ur hogwarts house (without all the useless balderdash

This is a Harry Potter quiz duh and yes there are cheesy parts BUT CHEESE IS A FUNDAMENTAL PART OF A SOCIETY If you’re having a stressful day imagine a frog drinking tea and then a bear walks over and asks for the nearest graveyard. Instantly more stressed

If you wanna de-stress, take this quiz (you DeFiNiTeLy won’t get scarred for life) also I have to add more characters and I took this quiz for which gen z phrase I am and I got sksksk soooo sksksksksksk

Created by: AwesomeSiracha
  1. How would your friends describe you (and no cheating. Ask them)
  2. What assumption about you is the most annoying
  3. Is the glass half full or half empty?
  4. What subject would you be best at? BEST, not your favorite
  5. Are you more creative or logical
  6. If you know about hogwarts you’ve gotta have watched Harry Potter. Who’s your fav character
  7. Now which character do you want to punch in the face?
  8. Pick a “colorful” insult
  9. Which fictional character do you HATE (pick the one you hate the most since they’re all pretty hateable)
  10. Where would you sneak into?
  11. introvert or extrovert?
  12. Which HTTYD character is most like you? (If you aren’t a big HTTYD fan BECOME ONE. NOW
  13. You come across a hallway in your way to class that your best friend told you was hexed? What would you do? (Starts singing annoyingly to get you to hurry up your choice)
  14. What position would you play on the quidditch team? (And yes I KNOW this question is cliche and cheesy)
  15. Which hallow?
  16. That’s it since I’m bored now SO LONG SUCKERS AHAHAHA (and I mean that in the kindest way possible)

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