Whats Ur Aesthetic?

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I wanna see if this is ok lollies was a great game I wanna is a good day for me to come back to school and I wanna is my way to cheer ya girl up for me a bit more than you ever did and what do you wanna

I’m indie, I hope you love ur answer becoz this is my first ever quiz I have done and if you don’t like it then I don’t have a good job and I don’t have a good time for ye Ru

Created by: Bella F
  1. What’s ur fav colour
  2. What’s ur room theme
  3. Fav artist?
  4. How many friend do u got
  5. How do u wanna dir
  6. Do u have a byfrnd/girlfriend
  7. Do u like this quiz
  8. Bye
  9. Go
  10. Ok lol

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