What Zodiac sign you should actually be dating

This quiz does not include Taurus or Aquarius because the quiz only allowed 10 results and these guys just seem like the least favorable to date lol..

Anyways now it's making me write some bulls--- paragraph here even though I know you just wanna take this stupid fun little quiz that don't make no sense.

Created by: Haidyn
  1. What do you look for in someone you are dating?
  2. Pick a FRIENDS character
  3. What's your favorite season?
  4. Do you need space in a relationship?
  5. How do you like to be kissed?
  6. Live, Laugh, Love
  7. Would you rather be with someone who follows their head or heart?
  8. How do you see the glass?
  9. What's your Hogwarts House?
  10. What's the first thing you do in the morning?

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