What zelf are you?

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A new toy launched about a year ago are called zelfs. These troll like dolls are very cute AND they all have different pesonalities. That's want makes them so fun?

Who are you most like? Do you think that you could be one you like? Now, instead of wondering, you can actually see, and maybe you'll like the way you turn out.

Created by: ElfaLover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would be your dream weekend?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. The yearbook just came out and you got a special title! What is it?
  4. Are you smart?
  5. Describe Yourself
  6. Describe your BFF
  7. Are you shy?
  8. Who is your enemy?
  9. What is your prized possesion?
  10. What is your favorite accessory?

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Quiz topic: What zelf am I?