Test your knowledge on zelfs!

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Do you think that you are a zelfy know-it-all? Do you think that you are more brainy than buttershy or more genius than garny? Well take this quiz to find out!

Out of everyone in the world, there are many zelf fans, but very little geniuses. There are only 13 questions, but they test you to the limit! Remember, don't cheat and you could find yourself being a zelf genius!

Created by: Skyla
  1. What type of zelf is Lunanne?
  2. Which zelf has the power of 'Serious smarts'?
  3. Which zelf lives in the Toasty Toes Firepit?
  4. Which zelf is in Season 2?
  5. In the web episode, 'Jingle Zelfs', what appears when Spellinda casts a spell?
  6. Who likes to surf on a banana leaf?
  7. Odd one out?
  8. How many Lil' zelfs are there to collect? (Well..... in April 2014 anyway!)
  9. Which is not available in large? (Well, not in April 2014 anyway)
  10. Who voices Howlette in the zelf online web series?
  11. Who does Lil' D secretly have a crush on?
  12. What is Lil' D's band called?
  13. Which Masquerade character lives in the Day Zee Garden?

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Quiz topic: Test my knowledge on zelfs!