what your job will be when you grow up

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this is a quis about your job in the future I cerated this and i'm only seven year's old it took me 5 hours to do this.i'v always wondered where I was going to work that's why i made this

it tells you what your job will be in the future but it might not be true just saying and you don't have to take the quiz if you don't want to you know that right.

Created by: jessie
  1. what is your favirote coler?
  2. what is your favirote type of flower?
  3. what is your favirote job?
  4. what is your favirote kind of music?
  5. what is your favourite shcool subgect?
  6. what is your favirote contrey?
  7. what is your favirote tool?
  8. what is your favirote game?
  9. what is your favirote device?
  10. what is your favirote kind of food

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Quiz topic: What my job will be when you grow up
