what will 2012 be like

what will 2012 hold for you? it could hold many exciting possibilities or outcomes. this quiz should show you what your focuses are for the future, whether work or fun related

enjoy life! live every moment of every day and year. have fun. celebrate being you! this quiz should show you what your focuses are for the future, whether work or fun related

Created by: username1234

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what are you goals for 2012
  2. whats your fav thing to do
  3. what do you spend your friday night doing?
  4. fav thing to do out of the following
  5. fav adventure
  6. hobby?
  7. pick a number
  8. pick a colour
  9. pick an pet animal
  10. pick a wild animal
  11. the last letter of your name
  12. in an ideal world, would you be..
  13. 2nd letter of your name
  14. prefer animals or people
  15. nature or the city

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