What X-men character R U

There are many people who wonder whay character from X-Men they are.Some of the mane characters are in this quiz.Storm and Wolverine are two of the people in the test.

Are You smart? Does your mood chnge with weather? At the end of this quiz youll find out.

Created by: Tyler

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Nice R U?
  2. How phisiclr paralyzd are u?
  3. Do u like metal?
  4. How smart r u?
  5. How much of an animal r u?
  6. How good at Boxing R U?
  7. How much does ur mood change with the weather?
  8. Who do u think ull be?
  9. Did u like this test?
  10. Is U A boy Or a girl

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