What would your Spirit Animal and you have?

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What Spirit Animal would you have. Well do this quiz and find out. There are four results you could get so buckle up and try the quiz. Trying to get a specific one don't worry about what you get just have fun.

Remember with this quiz you have to be honest and truthful otherwise you could get something that isn't ment for you. With this quiz have fun and enjoy. I hope you get what you are looking for.

Created by: SG12
  1. What is your favourite colour mix?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. What is your desired Spirit Animal gender?
  5. What is your favourite Four Fallen Spirit Animal?
  6. Did you drink the Bile or the Nectar?
  7. What team did you join?
  8. Which kid do you like most?
  9. Where would you live in Erdas?
  10. Would you live in a?

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Quiz topic: What would my Spirit Animal and you have?
