What is your spirit animal?

Find out what kind of animal your spirit is! Are you loyal or Independent? or Sly or Strong? Find out with this quiz! Thank you for choosing this quiz and enjoy!-ThunderBreeze

There are five results, that you can get. Each has its own personality and traits. If you enjoy this quiz then please rate it well. The results that you can get are chosen wild animals.

Created by: ThunderBreeze
  1. What would your friends/Family describe you as?
  2. What colour are you?
  3. If you could choose what food you would want, what would it be?
  4. What Power would you want?
  5. RP time! are you ready????
  6. You see a nerd getting bullied, what do you do?
  7. You see five crystals scattered around the cave, each glowing with power, which one would you touch?
  8. You are lost in a forest, and you desperately need food, how will you get it?
  9. Anyways what would you want to get??
  10. Back to the questions. Are you ready?
  11. What is your favourite animal?
  12. Ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit animal?

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