What would you do?

There are lots of lazy people and lots of active people. You have to be one of them or both of them. You might be a mix If you are lazy thats not bad and if you are active its not bad either.

Are you lazy? Do you like to have fun? Are you active? Are you both lazy and active? This quiz might help you realize what you are. By the way it might not be 100% true.

Created by: Shelby of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What sport do u play???
  2. How many hours do you sleep???
  3. How many hours a day do you watch TV???
  4. Do you like to run???
  5. Do you like school???
  6. Do you like to play with friends???
  7. Do you like to sleep a lot???
  8. Are you excited to wake up in the morning???
  9. Do you have pets???
  10. Do you like to play with animals or your pets???
  11. Was this quiz fun??? :)

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