What would you be in Among us?

this Quiz determends if you are Imposter, Crewmate, or Innocent. it is VERY easy and quick also that`s it! well almost it Among us Inposters all can go in grates and turn off the lights!

this quiz is fun and I`m running out of words here sooooo ya that`s it! well almost it Among us Imposters all can go in grates and turn off the lights!

Created by: Kat
  1. How do You react when you lose your phone?
  2. If your older brother through your trophy out the window you would...
  3. you broke your leg in Gym you
  4. your dog ran away you...
  5. you are BoReD
  6. your mom grounds u
  7. gossip is going on about you
  8. like being bad
  9. say hi to your enimeis
  10. like this Quiz?

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