What among us imposter am i

Ok. So you play among us. U love being the imposter? Same here my friend. I am probably addicted to the bloody game. But wait what type of imposter are you?

You can be any type of imposter, the one who always gets caught, the smart one, the norm, the sabotage expert, the sneaky murderer. Come on find out what u r...

Created by: Barry
  1. How do u kill people
  2. How often do u sabotage
  3. How sneaky are you
  4. How often do u get caught( be honest.)
  5. What colour do u play as
  6. Finally what do u think
  7. Sorry, I tricked u there is another question. How much (on a scale from one to ten) do u like among us
  8. What is your IQ level
  9. What is best
  10. Was this a good quiz

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