How addicted are you to Minecraft?

Minecraft, the popular once indie game, is now in its full release. Over five million people have bought the game, and the plays have been over the roof!

However, some people may actually be addicted to this popular game. Maybe YOU might be addicted to Minecraft and not even know it. How will you know, just take the quiz and find out!

Created by: Steve
  1. How many hours do you play Minecraft in a week?
  2. Do you mine a lot?
  3. Do you play Multiplayer a lot?
  4. How much minerals (Iron, gold, diamond, etc.) do you have?
  5. Have you ever made a mob spawner/grinder?
  6. Have you ever gone to The End?
  7. Have you ever gone to the Nether?
  8. Have you installed any mods?
  9. What is your main food source?
  10. What items are in your hotbar?
  11. Have you ever legitimately crafted any TNT?
  12. What do you do the first thing in the morning after you've finished your typical home?
  13. Have you ever missed school/work because of Minecraft?

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Quiz topic: How addicted am I to Minecraft?