What would u be if u weren't human,what u be?

I dedicate this to #40 in the Top 40 and good job on that quiz u made there,anyway so do your best on this quiz,u get you get your result and NEVER go back to change your answers!!GOOD LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your GENIUS hat on(lol!)and get it on right,so u can become a Angel,Alien,Bird,or Mermaid/Merman.You get what ya get and you don't throw a fit,period!

Created by: SUPERMAN!!!!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u do any of these? | | V
  2. Do u like swimming?
  3. Do u like swimming?
  4. Do u worship GOD?
  5. Do u LOVE doing Gymnastics?
  6. Do u just LOVE science?(i accidently made 2 of do u like swimming questions i know,i know...)
  7. Would u rather eat sea food or holy food for the rest of ur life?
  8. Would u rather eat worms or Alien food for the rest of ur life?
  9. Would u rather go be able to fly or be able to be smarter?
  10. Would u rather be able to swim faster and able to breathe underwater or be able to have Angel wings?

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