What WOF tribe are you except its not obvious.

So most Wof quizzes are really obvious so I said: "Hey, why don't I make a not obvious one? So here you go. This dosen't include Pantala tribes though.

Excuse any spelling mistakes and the results are jokes. Please don't take them seriously. Its just a joke. I hope you enjoy this quiz, whatever answer you get.

Created by: A PERSON
  1. The results might be offensive. This is a joke. Do not take it seriously.
  2. Do you stay up late?
  3. Pick a word (Excuse my spelling)
  4. If you could be an animus, what would you enchant?
  5. RP TIME! You get a letter from Jade mountain saying you can be a student there. Do you accept?
  6. RP Time again. You are spying on another dragon and learn they have animus power. What do you do?
  7. Choose a season (If only have 2 seasons skip this question)
  8. Choose (If you skipped the last one)
  9. What best describes your personality?
  10. RP Time. You have to kill one of the DoD. Who do you kill?
  11. Cool Thanks for taking this quiz. I hope you enjoyed it

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Quiz topic: What WOF tribe am I except its not obvious.
