What WOF Dragonet Prophecy Dragon are You?

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this is a quiz that lets you know what dragonet of destiny you are. you will be asked 15 questions in this quiz. If you haven't read wings of fire than go read it!

if you read the books already and you know witch answer corresponds to each dragon and you want to be that dragon do not pick that answer, pick what you really are. WARNING: SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!

Created by: IceBreaker
  1. are you a boy or girl?
  2. what is your favorite color?
  3. what do you like to eat?
  4. superpower?
  5. were would you live?
  6. who is you over all favorite? ( sorry if its hard. I put all as a option.
  7. which is your favorite book?
  8. do you like to fight?
  9. what is one of your flaws
  10. what do you like to do?
  11. what pet do you want?
  12. ROLE PLAY someone attacks your friends! what do you do?
  13. a dragon has a cool magic item you.....
  14. your mom tells you that you have to study you.......
  15. do you want this quiz to end?

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Quiz topic: What WOF Dragonet Prophecy Dragon am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.
