What Wizard101 Character Are You?

This quiz tries to answer the question, which Wizard101 character am I? If you are interested, please continue on.

You may have wondered, pondered, what character you are. This quiz will *attempt* to guess it.

Created by: jonathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you good or evil?
  2. Do you have a mustache?
  3. Do you have a girl or boy?
  4. Hi
  5. Do you fart
  6. Are you strong
  7. I like you
  8. Are you yucky
  9. Are you focusing in school?
  10. Do you know what inferno means?

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Quiz topic: What Wizard101 Character am I?