what wings of fire role do you have?

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Hi, I'm Azure the rainwing nightwing! I hope you enjoy this quiz. Have you ever wondered what role you would play in wings of fire? Well in this quiz you can finally find out!

The quiz will include a series of questions including choose a shape? Where would you live? Although, I'm not going to spoil it all!! I hope you enjoy the questions, now onto the quiz!

Created by: Azure the rainwing
  1. boring question first.... favourite colour
  2. what is your personality
  3. where would you live?
  4. what would you rate reading 1-5
  5. scenario time!: You find an injured dragon on a rock with heavily laboured breathing. What do you do?
  6. What do you think about peril?
  7. I'm running out of idea's! What would you ask?
  8. rapid fire questions! Are you decisive?
  9. what genre of music do you like?
  10. choose a shape
  11. last question (this won't effect your result) : Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire role do I have?
