Do you know wings of fire book 1-10 (not my art)

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Hi! I'm azure of the rainwings, and this is a quiz with questions that are found in wings of fire books ranging from 1-10. Ummm I guess I will give you a backstory if you are interested. Otherwise you can just get on to the test

personalilty: I'm a nightwing rainwing. I'm heir to the throne, currently learning to use daggers already can use throwing stars already, loves scrolls attends jade mountain. Appearance: main body and snout like nightwing father Shape of a rainwing stars like wing scales ??? Abilities: Read minds, camoflarge, shoot deadly fire like acid like rainwings

Created by: Azure the rainwing
  1. who is the pov in book one
  2. what book does thorn become queen?
  3. what is vultures dragon organization called?
  4. Is worlpool a good character
  5. who doesnt get a pov
  6. Who put Kinkajou under a love spell?
  7. who becomes queen of the sandwings in book five?
  8. how many brothers does tsunami have?
  9. what fruit defeats darkstalker
  10. who kills horizon in book 1?

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Quiz topic: Do I know wings of fire book 1-10 (not my art)
