What Wings of fire prophecy are you in?

To all the people who have wondered what Wings of Fire prophecy am I in, YOU CAN FIND OUT! I myself love WIngs of Fire and recommend reading the books!

Answering these questions can help you find out what you would be in! Surprisingly I can't figure out what i'm in so I should take the test too! This is a short and fun quiz you can take to find out the prophecy your in!

Created by: Ava McKee
  1. If you found a wallet on the ground you would...
  2. It's your best friends birthday what you get them?
  3. what is your favorite activity to pass time?
  4. What is your animal
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. What group in age are you?
  7. What is your main trait?
  8. What is your favorite school subject?
  9. What is your dream spouse?
  10. What is the tribe you want to be in?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of fire prophecy am I in?
