What Windows OS Are You?

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Are you a great windows user? A mac user? Or what. Find out. This is a quiz to tell you which Windows OS you are.

What OS would you be? Only one way to know, which is to take the quiz.

Created by: ithinkican of NONE
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Are You Treated Like?
  2. do you know how to use MS-DOS?
  3. Did you ever use Virtual PC?
  4. Do You Use Windows For Your PC?
  5. Do you even have a pc?
  6. What is your Favorite OS?
  7. How do you make MS-DOS say Hi?
  8. Are you enjoying this?
  9. what is your pc os type?
  10. Did you like this?

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Quiz topic: What Windows OS am I?