What will you become when your old

Will you one day be famous,a sports player,have a normal job or mayne no job at all.Just follow your heart and maybe the quiz will be wrong.But please rate and comment.

If you wanna be like your hero then take this quiz and see if you will be like your hero or heroin and maybe you will be better than them so take the quiz rate comment and become your hero or heroin

Created by: Nathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Dream job
  2. Nfl means
  3. Yo mama is
  4. Do you believe in yourself
  5. Do you wanna be famous
  6. I wanna be
  7. I don't wanna be
  8. Who is your hero
  9. Me wanna be
  10. I am very cool or smart or both

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Quiz topic: What will I become when my old