What warriors clan do you belong too? (Also create a cat)

Not only does this quiz tell you what clan you are,but it also lets you create your own cat! Dive into the warriors world with this quiz! Enjoy! (BTW,i got riverclan)

thunder,river,shadow,or wind? What clan will you fight your battles with,What clan will you hunt for?Find out in this fun,action packed quiz by me!!!!

Created by: MewMEWWarriorsfantic
  1. What would your warriors name be?
  2. what kind of personality would your cat have?
  3. In the previous question, the answers included roles. if you selected your personality but not your role select your role here.
  4. Your cat knows who murdered the leader,what do you do?
  5. You find a wounded rogue on you territory,what do you do?
  6. Would you be a she or a tom (no effect on result)
  7. Would you believe in starclan?
  8. Would your cat rather live in the forest or at the beach?
  9. Would you have a mate?
  10. Would you rather be like bluestar or tallstar?

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Quiz topic: What warriors clan do I belong too? (Also create a cat)
