warriors what clan are you in!

did you ever wonder what warrior clan you are in if you did THIS IS THE PERFECT quiz for you hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so you think you are clan cat in this quiz you MUST think like a cat if you donot know about warriors read the books there good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: isabella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which one of these are you??
  2. you are in love with a cat from a different clan you know he is going to ask you to marry him right this moment so you
  3. your hungry you look in the fresh kill pile and get a...
  4. your BEST friend is acused of breaking the warrior code you THINK she didint do it so you....
  5. you just got the worst warrior name you need to talk to the leader about your name you say.....
  6. the leader is going to be KILLED by a different cat in the clan YOU...
  7. your leader just lost her eighth life only you know this the leader tells you to keep this a secret you...
  8. if you were a warrior what would you look like?
  9. what tipe of place would you like to live in?
  10. did you like this quiz???

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Quiz topic: Warriors what clan am I in!