What Warriors cat are you?

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You know when you ask your self "wonder what warrior i am" OK blah its not a question! any who, you can try this and get free crow food! (throws bread crumba at the screen) crows eat bread 0-0

Ok so i only had room for so many answers sorry if you didnt get who you liked still comment and tell me what warrior choices i could make a quiz for if you had fun! OOoo bread crumb! (peck)...

Created by: Wasptail of Animal funtime
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do with an Intruder?
  2. If you had a mate who would it be?
  3. What eye color?
  4. What type of tail
  5. what would you wanna be
  6. Would you want kits
  7. What suffix would you want
  8. Who do you think you'll get?
  9. Who do you'll think you'll get? (Part 2)
  10. Will you comment if you get what warrior you wanted?

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Quiz topic: What Warriors cat am I?