How much do you know about Bread?

Are you a true bread master?Well, you are here to find out if you are a true bread master.Bread is a really common breakfast food.You can make toast and much more!

If you don't even know anything about bread, just take this quiz.You maybe can get a quite good result and get more knowledge about bread!!!Bread us tasty,

Created by: Isaac
  1. What is the main ingredient for bread?
  2. Ingredients to make a simple bread:-
  3. What is the ingredients for Shokupan Bread?(Japanese milk bread)
  4. What is not needed to make a simple bread?
  5. How long is the average time to bake a bread?
  6. Normal amount of flour to make bread?
  7. Most suitable tyoe of flour to make bread?
  8. Best type of salt to make bread?
  9. These questions will not effect.Was it easy?
  10. Was this quiz good?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Bread?

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