What element are you?

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Welcome to the quiz where you will find out what element you are! Are you a raging fire like me or calm like water find out here! (Random text cause this has to be 150 characters long)

.-! 697 /03-& !7'?34 translation: can you speak number?Anyway this is my second quiz and it's better than the last one *munches on some bread* ok enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Epicknolifes
  1. how much do you play?
  2. What is you fav season?
  3. What's you dream vacation?
  4. Which result do you want (be careful this will effect your results severely)
  5. You see your friend getting beat up what do you do?
  6. Wha is your favorite animal out of these?
  7. poo (this is a joke)
  8. I'm getting bored
  9. What is your fav thing to do?
  10. Last question!
  11. Just kidding

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Quiz topic: What element am I?
