What Warrior Name Suits You?

There are many Warrior names and each with a different personality! Whether your Sweet and kind to Bloodthristy and mean! This Quiz can give you an idea or an actual name that best suits you.

What will YOUR Warrior name be? Depending on Personalities you will Find out which one describes your or suits you! I hope you like the name that suits you most! Enjoy! :D?

Created by: Jade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If There was a trespassing cat on your territory you would...
  2. You find a kit from another clan lost on your territory, you..
  3. The clans are having a battle and you see your leader, your apprentice, your kit that is a warrior, and your mate all in trouble, you save..
  4. If you suddenly saw Waffles floating overhead you would..
  5. You where hunting alone but then you spot a Fox in your territory, you would..
  6. If your best friend told you that he was in love with another clan cat and he/she loved them back you would..
  7. Your Mate's life has been ended by another warrior from another clan, you would..
  8. Your on a Journey with 4 other cats, you are all hunting, you catch a plump rabbit you..
  9. What would your prefer as your Pelt colour?
  10. What would you Prefer as a Warrior name?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Name suits me?