what warrior cat are you?? enjoy :3

just say what you want its really random and you can say anything on the last question it dosnt do ANYTHING so enjoy the quiz and have a super good time in it! i don't care what you choose..

the things you can get are fire star, squirrel flight, tiger star, cloud tail, ?????, bright heart, scourge..., holly leaf, and feather tail. so i hope have a great quiz and dont judge me for it :

Created by: dost ask
  1. whats your personality?
  2. what do you look like?
  3. favorite color?
  4. whats your favorite clan?
  5. are you evil?
  6. what would you eat?
  7. do you like this quiz??
  8. do you love warriors??
  9. i got nothing else to put so tell me whats your favorite of these? it counts to nothing just wanna know
  10. are you sure you liked is?????

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?? enjoy :3
