Warrior Cats Love Story PT. 1 (She-cats only pls :P

Greetings, fellow warrior fans! (Or random person that has no clue what this is!)You are Dewkit, then Dewpaw. You will have to choose between 4 great toms to see who is right for YOUUUUUUUUU

One more note :P If it's in astrids (****) that means it's a thought jsyk! I hope you enjoy this quiz there'll be a pt. 2 so yeah just check out my acc Springsnap aaaaand yeah enjoy!! Byeeeee :3

Created by: Springsnap of take a quiz abt me irl!
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  1. You yawn and blink open your eyes. Your stubby kit legs tense in a stretch before you pop your head up. Your mother, Poppywhisker, looks over at you, her eyes bright with excitement. "Oh, look, kits! Your sister has opened her eyes too!" You see two small sets of ears peak over a mountain of moss, followed by one set of green eyes and one set of brown. "Hello." You mew gingerly. The cats, who you know are your littermates by their scent, pick their way over to you. "Hi." One mews. "I'm Featherkit." She has brown tabby fur which fades into white at her paws and ear tips. The other kit mews a greeting too and tells you that he's Gorsekit, your brother. He is a deep brown, with flecks of gold that look like dappled sunlight.
  2. You blink warmly at your siblings, glad to have them by your side. You stand up on your still wobbly legs and step out into the clearing. "Wow!" You yowl. "It's big!!" Poppywhisker treads out behind you, with Gorsekit and Featherkit. Your littermates head over to the fresh-kill pile and pick out a mouse. "You opened your eyes REALLY late, Dewkit." Gorsekit's mew stings a little, but you brush it off and flick your tail irritably. Featherkit's whiskers twitch. "I know you don't know this yet, but he's always a grumpy mouse-brain." She explains. Then you hear the pattering of paws coming from the nursery. A light brown tom-kit jand a grey tom-kit walk out steadily, big enough to be apprentices. You didn't even see them in the nursery earlier, but then again your vision was still adjusting. The brown kit introduces himself as Mousekit. "Hi, I'm Mousekit." He mews enthusiastically. "And this fur-brain is my brother, Loosekit." Loosekit looks at you with his deep, blue eyes. Then he grunts and looks away. Mousekit's brown fur fluffs up against the late leaf-bare wind. "I hope it's green-leaf soon." Gorsekit mews. You think...
  3. Mousekit, Gorsekit, and Featherkit look at you expectantly. You realize they had asked you a quesiton, and are waiting for a response. "Sorry, er... could you repeat that, please?" Featherkit rolls her eyes and says, "Do you want to play moss-ball with us before they're apprenticed later, or would you rather stay here and play the Thinking Game?" Her mew is friendly but sarcastic. "I'll___" you mew.
  4. That night, you sleep on a belly full of mouse. It was your first time trying prey and you relished the musky, juicy flavor that lasted on your tongue. You're sleeping with Gorsekit and Featherkit, of course. The three of you are all piled up in one big lump. Your silver pelt stands out against their naturally colored ones. You think about how Poppywhisker told you that you were special, because her mate, Silverleaf, was killed in a vicious fight against SkyClan and YOU were the only kit to inherit his genes. You were proud to represent your father and stand out. The next day is Mousekit and Loosekit's apprenticeship. As Maplestar announces their names, they come barraling out of the nursery. She names them Loosepaw and Mousepaw, and they are apprenticed to Honeyfrost and Bouncetail. You yowl ____ louder.
  5. The next morning, you pad softly out into the clearing and pick a stale shrew off the fresh-kill pile. Your silver pelt glints in the sunlight, and it warms you from head to toe. A fluffy black apprentice with amber eyes pads up to you, takes a look at the fresh-kill pile, and sighs. "Man, the warriors these days are LACKING in their hunting skills." You reply, "________"
  6. As you dig your teeth into the shrew, the apprentice stands up. "I'll see you later. Frostbreeze is waiting on me. Oh, I'm Smokepaw by the way." He dips his head and pads away. FAST FORWARD THREE MOONS (lol)Today is the day! You're finally becoming an apprentice! You wonder if your mentor will be strong and brave, like the legendary Lionblaze, or if they'll be smart and cunning, like Ivypool once was. Soon, Maplestar is calling the names of you and your siblings. You bundle out excitedly and sit right in front of the Highledge. She makes you Dewpaw, Gorsepaw, and Featherpaw. You are apprenticed to Hedgepelt, who you don't really know, but she seems nice enough. You go with Featherpaw and her new mentor Smoothbreeze to take a tour of the territory, while Gorsepaw learns some hunting skills with Nightowl. You see the Sky Oak, the lake, and the ShadowClan border all in one day! When you return, you choose a plump mouse off of the pile and turn to the nursery, only to remember you're an apprentice. So you instead settle beside the fresh-kill pile. You hear soft paw steps pad up, and you see Gorsepaw. "Hey, Gorsepaw." You mew. He glares at you and yanks a shrew off the pile. "After he…
  7. The next morning, a shiny, dark cream tom pads up to you and introduces himself as Smoothpaw. You nod and say, "Nice to meet you!" During training, Hedgewhisker decides to show you the rest of the territory. As you near the edge of ThunderClan territory, a sharp, tangy scent hits you full on like a wave. You briefly glimpse the terror in your mentor's eyes before she has time to mouth the word, "Fox!" You take off and cower under a bush, expecting your mentor to follow any second. But when you hear yowling, you know she must be fighting the fox. You're sure she intends for you to run and save yourself, but you can't leave her to die. So you bolt out and aimlessly strike blows, hoping one hits the fox. *I haven't done battle training yet!* Unfortunately, Hedgewhisker is still on the ground, not moving. You don't have time to check on her, because you hear the snapping of jaws a mouse-length from your tail. You whip around just in time to see the disgusting creature snarl viciously and leap. You do what you think best, and scurry up the nearest tree. Soon, the fox growls irritably and turns to your mentor, who is still lying unconcious on the ground. You yowl as loud as you can,…
  8. You wake up to find four other pelts brushing yours, none of which belong to your siblings. You see Mousepaw, Loosepaw, Smoothpaw, and Smokepaw all curled up against you. You sit up cautiously, being careful not to wake any of them. When you pad out into the clearing, Featherpaw nickers. "You have SO many toms chasing after you." Your pelt prickles with embarrassment. "No I don't. You stammer. "Then why are their four toms all trying to sleep with you?" she asks. You just look away. Then Mousepaw pads out, his fur rumpled from sleep. He blinks at you, embarrassed, obviously knowing what happened.FAST FORWARD THREE MOONS (sorry again lol)Today's the day! You can't believe it! You're actually going to be a warrior! You passed your assessment! Maplestar calls the Clan together. They assemble under the Highledge. You couldn't believe that Mousepaw, Loosepaw, Smokepaw, and Smoothpaw had ALL waited to become warriors so they could do it on the same day as you. Maplestar gave a speech, and all the while your pelt tingled with excitement. Your paws twitched and your tail tip flicked. Finally, she called the seven cats forward. She made your littermates Gorseleaf and Featherbreeze. Then…
  9. Okay so i didnt realize there have to be 10 questions so now were just gonna do a couple random stories lol This is my OCs story.Born as Inkkit!Soon Inkpaw, mentored by Spotfeather.Eventually Inkswipe, great fighter.Soon mentor to Dockpaw, a stocky brown tabby tom.She takes Droptail as a mate. He's a white-and-silver tom, who is strong and loyal.She has his kits, Moonkit (deceased from greencough), Grasskit, and Beekit.She has a sense of humor. She is taken on as Clan deputy, only to die in a battle a few moons later.She is greeted by her father, Dewtail, and her kit, Moonkit. She lives uncomfortably in StarClan until all her loved ones join her many moons later. Then she finds the peace she needs and lives for the rest of eternity, never forgotten since she was such a strong deputy.
  10. okay last one ummmmm......... there once was a boy named larry notter, destined to be a star. His parents were killed by Moldvemort, who gave him a star shaped scarlarry goes to snogworts and meets Rod and Herniney, McDonigal requires he play for Sniffindor, Waco is a daddy's boy, Squirrel becomes unenployed the Borcerer's stone is destroyed by SmumbledoreRod breaks his wand now Skinny's gone and Larry's in mortal danger, Lom Middle hides a snake inside his ginormous secret chammmber larry blows up aunt carge, the Snamentors come and take charge, Snoopin is a wolf the gnat's a man and now the prisoner is at large they use time travel so they can save the prisoner of lazkaban who just so happens to be larrys godfather i dont rlly get it eitherlarry gets put in the Liwizard Lournament with dragons and mermaids oh no Ledward Gullen gets slayed hes back. Larry larry its gettin scary Moldevort is back and your a revolutionary larry mumblemore mumblemore why is he ignoring your constant attempts to contact himhe is forced to leave the school, Lumbridge arrives wacos a tool, kids break into the Linistry, Mirius Tack is dead as can beeeee ohhhhhsplit your soulseven parts of a wholetheir…

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