What Warrior Cat Are You?

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This Quiz will tell who your inner warrior cat is! I must inform that your favorite character might not be in the results and my quiz isn't scientifically proven to be correct.

Try and have fun! Be honest with yourself, and if you're stuck just skip the question. These are all warriors based questions so if you've only read the first book I suggest you don't take this quiz.

Created by: RavenWing
  1. Which Warriors series is your favorite? (of these three)
  2. A apprentice approaches you while hunting with a thorn in his paw, he claims he cant walk to camp and wants you to help him or treat it.
  3. You see a wounded kit being attacked by a badger, you are hunting near your clans camp and nobody else is with you.
  4. Which of these traits seem appealing in a friend?
  5. Do we always need to follow the Warrior Code?
  6. Would you rather be med cat or warrior?
  7. Your apprentice gets a lucky catch with a terrible hunting strategy, he is so happy but he did it wrong. Do you scold him or praise him?
  8. Your clan has a very bad deputy, she does everything wrong and is just bad in general. Do you speak to the deputy yourself or talk to the leader?
  9. You've been made leader, but there are rival clan cats hunting in an unwanted part of the territory. They are struggling and need prey. Do you kick them out or let them hunt?
  10. What would your friends say is your defining trait? (be honest)

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I?
