What Warrior Are You? Ivystar Lostkit Paradisepaw

IvyStar, LostKit, and ParadisePaw are all amazing. You can find out who you are. JUST BE YOURSELF EVERY ONE IS ALREADY TAKEN! CHASE YOUR DREAMS! AND TAKE THIS QUIZ... I'm insane!

What warrior are you? ParadisePaw LostKit IvyStar..... Who are you.... TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT! P.S you are in FeatherClan when you get this result!

Created by: ShadowTheLoner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in a battle with DreamClan. LostStar is fighting your leader when your mate jumps in to help. What do you do?
  2. You find your leader talking with the other two leaders, HazelStar and LostStar. What do you do?
  3. What rank are you or want to be?
  4. What warrior name and clan would you be?
  5. What color fur do you have or like?!?!
  6. Do you want kits?
  7. What is you mates name
  8. tigerpaw falls into a river and needs help! WHAT DO YOU DO!!! *stares at paradise paw*
  9. SunPaw licks TigerPaw on the ear and says "I love you..."
  10. When you meet FoxStar leader of SummerClan. You....
  11. Did you like my quiz?!?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior am I? Ivystar Lostkit Paradisepaw