What unicorn are you?

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This quiz will show you which unicorn you would probably be. Please do not take this too seriously! The quiz is based off of your personality and what you like so please enjoy!

Do you like unicorns? Then your in luck! This is my awesome unicorn quiz! If you like this quiz please tell me in the comment section and tell me what you got! Stay magical!πŸ¦„βœ¨

Created by: Evie
  1. What type of power would you rather have?
  2. Which of these animals would you rather be?
  3. Where would you rather live?
  4. Out of these which is your favorite color?
  5. What horn texture do you like best?
  6. What is your age?
  7. Which emoji is best?
  8. Do you like unicorns?
  9. What is your style?
  10. What is the first letter of your name(for 10 questions)

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Quiz topic: What unicorn am I?
