Are you the Sky, Land, or Sea?

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Does your personality match the sky, the land, or the sea most? I'm sure you've wondered at one point whether your like a bird in the clouds, a deer in the grass, or a dolphin in the ocean.

Now is your chance to find out! Remember, the quiz isn't based off of which is your favorite, but which matches your personality best (if that makes any sense). I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Red Panda Expert
  1. In school, you are/were the_____.
  2. You have some free time! How do you spend it?
  3. Introvert or Extrovert?
  4. You get one wish! How do you spend it?
  5. Which of the five senses are you most grateful for?
  6. Which of the five senses would you go without?
  7. Where would you like to travel, if you could go anywhere?
  8. Pick the color group that you like best:
  9. How do you describe yourself?
  10. What is your dream pet out of the following?
  11. Desserts?
  12. Do you have a favorite animal?
  13. Thanks for taking this quiz! Please pick a choice below to rate this quiz:

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Quiz topic: Am I the Sky, Land, or Sea?
