What Type of Skywing Are You?

These are four questions that might help you know what type of skywing you are in Wings of Fire. But I also made this quiz because it might be fun for some people to know what type of skywing they are.

* Only if you don't know what Skywings can be *Skywings can be normal, have fire scales if they took their twins fire, fire less sky wings happen when their twin takes too much of their fire out of them.

Created by: CloudyWolves
  1. Would you like to have fire as a power?
  2. Are you okay with other dragons being able to touch you?
  3. Would you be okay with having fire scales even though that might hurt others on accident?
  4. Would you like being a normal fire breathing sky wing?
  5. Would you be okay with not being able to breath fire as a defense to protect yourself?
  6. How would you rate your day?
  7. Okay do you like meat or veggies more?
  8. How would you rate the Wings of Fire series?
  9. How would you rate Skywings if you had too.
  10. How much do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Skywing am I?
