What type of shopper are you?

Find out what kind of shopper you are? Are you a loyal shopper, an impulse shopper who loves the act of swiping his or her card, a discount shopper always looking for deals, or are you a reluctant shopping always hesitant to make a materialistic purchase?

Take this quiz and find out what kind of shopper you are. Answer all 10 questions and we will determine if you are loyal to your retailer or are simply on a hunt for sales and extras.

Created by: Claudia A
  1. How often do you buy new clothes?
  2. How into brand names are you?
  3. When you're on vacation, you..
  4. When shopping for groceries..
  5. Do you ask for discounts on a damaged product when there are plenty of non-damaged ones available?
  6. When shopping online at your favorite retailer..
  7. How likely are you to return something that was clearly worn/used
  8. How many times a month do you shop?
  9. How responsible are you around a half off sale in your favorite store?
  10. If the mall is farther away than the outlet strip shops, which will you go to?

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Quiz topic: What type of shopper am I?
