Top Shopping Quizzes
What kind of shopper are you? Which stores do you prefer? Some people find shopping chore, while others consider it a favorite pastime If you're here on our shopping quiz page you're probably more toward the shopaholic end, but we'll see. Find our quizzes below.
Our Shopping Quizzes
- Are You A Good Shopper?[by:, rated: 4.29rated: 4.29/5, published: Mar 16, 2008]
ARE YOU A GOOD SHOPPER?? YOU MAY THINK SO BUT TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH!!! Maybe you are maybe you are not either way take this quiz and find the…
- Are you a Shopaholic?[by: Emily, rated: 3.97rated: 3.97/5, published: Feb 23, 2019]
A shopaholic is a person considered to be addicted to shopping (also known as “Compulsive Shopping”), and now more than ever is easier to buy things due to…
- What Clothing Store Should You Shop At?[by: Brooke Madeline, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Nov 1, 2015]
There are many cool stores out there, and many differences between them. What if you could only go to one store? Well, today you'll find out just what store…
- What Kind of a Shopper Are you?[by: marj, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Oct 13, 2012]
All of us want to save money when we shop, but for most of us, it's easier said than done. The key may be to find out which kind of shopper you are and…
- Are you a shop-till-you-drop person?[by: Ankica Saric, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Feb 5, 2022]
Shopping is so much more than just a mere act of buying things one needs. For the shopper, it can be an enjoyable activity, a retail therapy or a nuisance,…
- What type of shopper are you?[by: Claudia A, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Apr 3, 2019]
Find out what kind of shopper you are? Are you a loyal shopper, an impulse shopper who loves the act of swiping his or her card, a discount shopper always…
- What kind of shopper are you?[by: Allie, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Jun 3, 2007]
Shopping is something that not all of us are good at, but many of us are. For example: Some people just go to look and some go to really shop. Also, some…
- What kind of shop should you own?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Sep 19, 2016]
You might have imagined opening up your own shop. But first you need to know which kind is right for you!
- What Clothing Store Should You Shop At? (for Girls)[by: rylinhuie, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Nov 16, 2015]
Many girls like to go shopping, and they wonder what store they should go to first. They are like where should I go? Then they are like what should I buy?
- Are You a Shopping Addict?[by: Karenot, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: Nov 20, 2006]
Just how addicted to shopping are you? Do others give you a hard time about your shopping habits? Do you think you may have a problem when it comes to shopping?
- Are You A Shopaholic?[by: Dr Stu, rated: 3.07rated: 3.07/5, published: Feb 2, 2011]
Shopping: Do you LOVE it or LOATHE it? Do you have a secret shopping addiction? Some people have a real difficulty in controlling their urges to go shopping…
- Do you know your slogans?[by: Me, rated: 2.95rated: 2.95/5, published: Jan 25, 2009]
Many companies use catchy slogans in their advertisements. Over time, everyone starts to remember them, which is probably what exactly what they are designed…
- What Store Are You?[by: Carolyn, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Oct 5, 2008]
In the great world of fashion, shopping, and design, one can only wonder what style fits them. Are you using the right brand, sticking with your color…
- have you ever REALLY been to Target?[by: Kaylee Agnus, rated: 2.82rated: 2.82/5, published: Jan 23, 2011]
Do you really love Target. Like, REALLY love it? Shout out to all Target shoppers out there, give this quiz a try.
- What kind of Wal-Mart patron are you?[by: Brian, rated: 2.81rated: 2.81/5, published: Mar 30, 2009]
Everyone seems to have an opinion about Wal-Mart and/or the people who shop there. Is Wal-Mart good or bad for the economy? Are there really the…
- Are you a savvy shopper?[by: Milena Joy, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Nov 10, 2008]
A Savvy Shopper is someone who knows how to spend her money wisely and find great deals, all while looking fabulous! Take this quiz and find out if you are…
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