What Type of Santa's Elf Are You?

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Everyone has a little elf in them. Try this just-for-fun holiday quiz. Only ten questions away from knowing...Which one are you? Grab some coffee, tea, or cocoa, and let's find out!

Before the winter break begins, you will receive a WebEx meeting invite to learn what's happening in the Enrollment Division. Don't forget to share your quiz results at the meeting.

Created by: Annette Straub
  1. What is your favorite holiday treat?
  2. What is your favorite season?
  3. What is your favorite animal from this list?
  4. Favorite movie with elves.
  5. Where would you prefer to live?
  6. What was your favorite subject in school?
  7. What would be your choice of weapon?
  8. What do you prefer to wear?
  9. What's your favorite food?
  10. What is your favorite fantasy character?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Santa's Elf am I?
